Focus Media Release (for adults and minors)
Updated: 26 March 2023
By participating in Focus 23, (from here on, referred to as ‘the organiser’), you consent to the release below which is necessary for the recording and use of still images, audio, and video depicting you. If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or legal guardian must consent on your behalf.
Only certain sessions or parts of sessions will be posted or shared further according to the release below. This is to ensure safe discussion spaces and a supporting atmosphere in which to share ideas.
The organiser will record some sessions during the Event, and may share some of these recordings after the Event at their discretion via the organiser’s websites, social media channels or newsletters. As a participant in online Event sessions, you can control the display of your image, name, comments and questions. During recorded in-person events there will be “a no camera” area. If you are opting out please ensure you are in the “no camera” area during filming.
I hereby consent to the use of my (or my minor’s) name, likeness, comments, questions, or other content made by me (or my minor), and any still images, audio or video recordings of me (or my minor), that are recorded or documented by the organisers during the Event, for any purposes the organisers deem appropriate, including in print, audio/video, internet publications and websites of Focus, on YouTube, Focus pages on social networking sites (including but not limited to Instagram and Facebook), and in advertising and promotional contexts. I also agree that all audio/video recordings and still images created or used in reliance on this release, and any other derivative works into which they are incorporated, are and shall remain the property of the organiser.